The Video-Magic tapes have been compiled from various sources and the same performer may appear in more than one tape. This four-page index lists the performers in alphabetical order and shows the tapes in which they appear. You may need to purchase the different tapes in which your selected performer appears. Each tape is a package and individual performer cannot be pulled off. As each tape is sold it will be taken off the list as only one set of these tapes is available. The quality of these tapes varies as many of the acts were taped or filmed during their presentation, some performers were taped off television shows and some were filmed and later converted to video. The primary purpose is to preserve the appearances of the performers listed here so, look over the range of appearances, and select the tapes that show the performers of your choice.

This is Page 1 of the Index (Ackerman to Galina) - To see page 2 click here (Garcia to Hull) To see page 3 click here (Hirokawa to Marshall) - To see page 4 click here (Martyn to Zimmerman

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Ackerman, Allen - 1 - TL-40 Butler, Paul - TL-5, TL-33 Dennis, Barry - 63
Adams, Danny - TL-22 Byron - 38 Desmond, Count - 240
Adams, Ralph - 3 Caldwell, Mike - TL-7, TL-8, 230, 231 Dietrich, Dorothy TL-21
Agnon, Dr. - 4 Calvert, John - TL-43, 39 Dingle, Derek - 64,65,66,82
Alan, Alan - TL-9 Campbell, Malcom - TL-28 Dobson, Wayne - 261
Alfa - TL-18 Carazini - 256 Dorian- TL-30
Allen, Don - TL-9, TL-22, 245 Cardini - 276 Downey, Bob - Tl-6, TL-7, TL-20, TL-22, 230, 254
Allen, Mark - 5 Carlos, Don - TL-18 Downing, Dale - 260
Ammar, Michael - 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 79, 105, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 Carlton & Co - TL-4, TL-19, TL-41, 255  Dubas, Bob - TL-6, 229 
Anderson, Harry - TL-4, TL-5, TL-20, TL-37, TL-43, TL-48, 23, 256 Carnival Diablo - 40 Dunn, Ricky - TL-1, TL-20, TL-24, TL-26, 228, 242
Andrus, Jerry - ? ? ? Cartier, Prof. Al - TL-31 Earle, Lee - 67
Aniko - TL-28, TL-29, TL-30  Case of ESP, The (T.V. Show on PBS) 56:45 -TL-47 Eason, Doc - 68
Atkins, Geoffrey - TL-29 Caveney, Mike - TL10, TL-33, TL-42, 233 Edwards, Lee - TL-5, TL-17, TL-19, TL-29, TL-30
Aubrey - TL-33 Cavett, Dick - TL-5, TL-31, 253 Eleisa, Fee - TL-16, 234
Austrian Magician - TL-29 Cervon, Bruce - TL-11, TL-33, TL-40, TL-42 Estrada, Eric - TL-4 
Baker, Steve - TL-11, TL-21, TL-24, TL-27 Chadet, Bill - TL-34  Falkenstein, Glen - TL-27, TL-29, TL-34, TL-42
Balantine, Carl - TL-5, TL-18, TL-30, TL-43 Chalen, Chris - TL-3, TL-37, 228 Fantasio - 69
Ball, Lucille - TL-5 Chaney, Steve - 41 Fantasy Factory - TL-4
Ballard, Dr. - TL-29 Chen Kai - TL-22, TL-30 Fearson, Steve - 70
Ballister, Dr. - TL-30 Christian - TL-16 Fedko, John - 71
Bannon, John - 1, 24 Colombini, Aldo - 42, 43 Fernandez - 72, 267
Belasco, Bodine - 242, 277 Copper, Ger - TL-16, 234 Fernandez, Ed - TL-48
Bergeron, Bev - 25 Copperfield, David - TL-4, TL-9, TL-11, TL-18, TL-23, TL-30, TL-38, TL-43, TL-46, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 233, 238, 248, 249, 252, 271, 283 Figaro - TL-29 
Berkowitz, Mark - TL-28 Copperfield, David (The Magic of David Copperfield 1980) - TL-23 Finn, Jon - 73, 74, 75
Bernard, Bobby - 26, 27, 28 Copperfield, David (The Magic of David Copperfield 1981) - TL-23 Flip - 76, 77, 228, 246
Bertram, Ross - 29, 30 Copperfield, David (The Magic of David Copperfield -V 1983) - TL-46 Flip (Holema) - TL-2
Biet, Ted - 31 Cornelius, John - 1 Flora, Brian - 245
Biro, Pete - TL-8, 231, 241 Cornell and Monique - TL-18, TL-29 Flora & Co. - 78Foster, Neil - TL-17
Blackstone Jr., Harry - TL-8, TL-9, TL-10, TL-11, TL-12, TL-17, TL-19, TL-31, TL-36, TL-36, TL-42, 275 TL-43, 231, 233, 237, 238, 240, 248, 250 Cros, Daniel -TL-42, 246  Fox, Karrell - Tl-39, TL-40, TL-41 
Blackstone, Harry (Blackstone on Tour -Seattle 1979) - TL-19 Curtis, Tony - TL-4

Cyprian, Father - 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Frantzi, Gill - TL-16, 234
Blackstone, Harry (MAGIC !!! 1983) 82:00 - TL-36 Danalin, Vladimir - 2 Frederick M - 80
Bongo, Ali - TL-28, TL-30 Daniels, Paul - 262 Freenan, Steve - 79
Borge, Victor - 32 Dante - TL-17 French Magician - TL-29
Bornstein, Mike - 33, 34 De Champs, Eric - 62 Gabriel, Joseph - 283
Brandyberry, Mark - TL-27, TL-34 Delage, Al - 242 Gail - TL-18, TL-29
Buckingham, Geoffrey - TL-18, 35 Delage, Al - 242 Galie, Gil - TL-28
Burger, Eugene - 36, 37 Deluise, Dom - TL-4 Gali-Gali - 242
Burton, Lance - TL-5, 249, 257 Dennin & Saborals - TL-37 Galina - 2